Old Lidunians
Recent news

School Open Morning for all former pupils
Paul Crouch, AKS, Director of Marketing, 2014
An open invitation has been made by AKS to come and have a tour of the school, and meet with the headmaster, staff and pupils alike. The date has been set as Friday 23rd January 2015 - if you are wishing to attend, please can you email Paul Crouch on paul.crouch@arnoldkeqms.com
The full agenda for the morning is in the attached document.

We will remember them
Mike Boddy, November 2014
The newly re-formed Old Lidunians' Association had a goodly representation at the school's annual Senior Remembrance Day service on November 11th, led by our President, Paul Beverley.He was supported by four past presidents of the Old Lidunians' Association, in the shape of David Coupe, Stan Kitt, Peter Biddolph and Michael Boddy.
Another member, John Lilley, a former head boy of King Edward's, was also present, having come over from his home in Cheshire. The service was held in Big School, or as it is now called, the senior hall. During his address, the Headmaster, Mr Michael Walton, referred to some of the young men, old boys of our school, who had perished in the 1914-18 war, some as young as 18.The names of those who died were read out during the laying of the wreaths, one of which was by Paul.

Donation from Fylde Rugby Club
President, October 2014
Our acting President Paul Beverley was invited to Fylde Rugby Club for the opening game of the season at Fylde Rugby Club to receive a cheque for £636.This is a donation from the rugby club, based on the gate receipts for the annual Old Lidunians v Old Arnoldians Boxing Day match hosted at the club. The donation will be ring fenced whilst we decide how / where this could be put to best use. Our thanks go out to those involved in pulling together an Old Lidunians side and making this fixture the great success that it is.
Penry Trophy 2014
Old Lidunians Golf, September 2014
On a fantastic day for golf, 27 former pupils of KEQMS took on the annual challenge to compete for the Penry Trophy. This year’s field included 4 people who had never played in this fixture, which promises hope for continuing to see this competition grow. Thanks to all of those who travelled from afar to play – we had players from as far north as Aberdeen and from as far south as Cornwall.
100 not out!
Mike Boddy, September 2014
Believed to be the oldest living member of the Old Lidunians' Association, Stanley Brown celebrated his 100th birthday on August 16th. Stanley was at KES in the 1920s, when the headmaster was the legendary James Rowland Llewellyn Penry, who became the school's longest-serving Principal.
After leaving school, Stanley joined the Old Lidunians' Association, in which for many years he ...played a full and enthusiastic part, until recently. He was proud of the fact that his connection with the school spanned more than 75 years. As his century approached, he moved out of his house in Lytham, to become a permanent resident of the nearby Spindrift Care Home, Cleveland Road. The Old Lidunians' Association joined with the 30 members of Stanley's family who wished him a happy birthday.

Old Lidunians on the relaunch
Mike Boddy, August 2014
Update on the changes being made to the Old Lidunians. Nice article on the school website courtesy of Mike Boddy. Please do share around: